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Scratch Scratch, Scratch...

Scratch wiktionary. · noun. Scratch ‎(plural scratches) a disruption, mark or shallow cut on a surface made by scratching. I can’t believe there is a scratch in the paint. Scratch wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A scratch is a mark of abrasion on a surface. It may also refer to a small amount of extra money; scratchings, a snack made from pork rind. Scratch define scratch at dictionary. C.1400, probably a fusion of middle english scratten and crachen, both meaning "to scratch," both of uncertain origin. Related scratched; scratching. Scratch scratch wiki. Today & save 10%. Scratch is a visual programming language. [1] it is currently free. Scratch is used by students, scholars, teachers, and parents to easily create games and provide a. Custom scratchers scratch off card printing.. Also try. Scratch9 the official website of the world's greatest. Back by popular demand scratch9 art process! In this page from scratch9 cat of nine worlds, scratch finds an unexpected al...