Make definition of make by merriamwebster. 1 a to be successful <trying to make it in the big time as a fashion photographer joe kane> b to be satisfactory or pleasing <if it isn't danceable, it doesn't. Make architects make architects. Also try. Make official site. Get the magazine. Make is the voice of the maker movement, empowering, inspiring, and connecting makers worldwide to tinker and hack. Subscribe to make magazine. Welcome to makeup ♥ your source for makeup tips, trends, tutorials. Our team of makeup experts strive to bring beauty and inspiration to women ️. Makeawish america official site. Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your diy creations. Instructables official site. Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your diy creations. Ehow official site. Learn how to do just about everything at ehow. Find expert advice along with how to videos and articles, including instructions on how to make, cook, ...